Sunday, September 1, 2013


Inspiration arises from many sources and situations. It produces varying results. The thought of being inspired likely brings to mind being moved to positive action and productive endeavors. Some might think about the cost or quality of food available in grocery stores and become inspired to take up gardening. Those with artistic tendencies might see the sunrise, be inspired to take up a brush and create a painting on canvas. Others might look through home decor magazines to be inspired to finally repaint their kitchen after 25 years of it being the same color with the same wallpaper border. Which describes my kitchen but I'm lacking the inspiration to renovate and I'm not seeking it. So far, I've successfully managed to stay away from the magazines with splashy photos of beautiful kitchens. 
Sometimes people experience circumstances which inspire them in a negative way. They are lied to or hurt and are inspired to be distrustful of everyone. They see pain and suffering in the world and are inspired to turn away because some situations are overwhelming and seem insurmountable. They see Christians behaving badly and are inspired to have nothing to do with Jesus or his teachings.
Inspiration from a spiritual point of view can also have different meanings for different people, but one description is that of being led by what is described as a still small voice. In a noisy world filled with distractions and fear, it is often a challenge to seek out the quiet promptings to: do and be better, be encouraged and be an encouragement, forgive and seek forgiveness.
We often think of inspiration as something which suddenly hits us when we least expect it and we instantly have a brilliant new plan or we're led on some exciting adventure. That does happen on occasion. More often inspiration comes because we seek it. We look for the good (or the bad) and we are inspired to respond in the way we have been accustomed to reacting. Being hurt inspires some people to hurt others. It inspires some to help.
I encourage all of us to seek the inspiration which comes from looking for the best in situations and in other people. Then when we see injustice, pain or need, let the best of what we know be our guide. Be inspired by quiet prompting to be kind, compassionate and loving in a loud world which needs all the peace and calm we can muster.

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