The Second Amendment states, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be
For anyone who believes this means there should be no "rules" at all when it comes to ownership, I say that's fine. I'll even go so far as to say more regulation might not even save many lives. The issue is mostly political wrangling.
However, don't try to convince me that our right to bear arms, our lust for unrestricted gun ownership, has anything to do with the teachings of Jesus.
In verifying something in a news release sent to my place of employment (The West Plains Daily Quill) this week, I discovered a group which claims gun control measures are unconstitutional AND unbiblical. For those who believe, "history shows, gun control is a direct path to
tyranny," as this group does, that's a matter to be discussed as American citizens. If the American citizens who hold these beliefs are Christians, that's their business, but not relevant to the issue.
Trying to connect gun issues to the teachings of Jesus: nauseating.
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