Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gathering us in

The compassion of Jesus is beyond measure, even toward those who would be the ones to do him harm. In Luke 13:34, Jesus said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” He knew the ones he was addressing were behaving in ways which were not productive. Behaving in ways, in fact, which were destructive and bringing them misery, not joy, and he wanted to save them from themselves by gathering them in, protecting them.

I’ve been thinking about the upcoming holiday season in that light, wondering if Jesus would say to many of us something along the lines of, “You who are stressed out, worried about the mountain of gifts you’re planning to buy and the money you’re going to spend, the way you’re going to eat and how your schedule doesn’t have a spare moment, how I long to gather you to myself and remind you of the simple Way I have called you to live. I hope you are willing to let me gather you to myself to bring you peace.”

That’s imagined, of course, but there’s even something about the often loud way Christians try to convince others that Jesus is the reason for the season -- boycotting stores whose employees merely say 'happy holidays,' demanding Christmas trees and nativity scenes be on display everywhere, for example -- that doesn’t ring true with the larger message he proclaimed.

I wonder if Jesus is interested in being the reason for a season which is now officially beginning by big corporations asking employees to work on Thanksgiving to accommodate shoppers who want to get an early start on "black Friday." Doesn't it sees as though calming down around this time of year might be in order? 

In Luke chapter 1, there's a beautiful scripture which is part of Zacharias's prophecy regarding Jesus, "Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit guide our feet into the way of peace." (v. 78-79) Jesus can take care of himself and us, and wants to gather us to him. So what do you say? Let's relax and let his mercy and peace reign during the holidays and in every season.

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