Sunday, July 18, 2010


In what is commonly called the "Great Commission" given by Jesus to his followers, he says to go "make disciples of all the nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I commanded you." (Mark 28:19-20) This wisdom and tradition was to be passed on from generation to generation, so that throughout the ages more would become followers of Christ and would know him through this method.

As straightforward as it seems, unfortunately, when put into practice, the concept has often been misconstrued and misused. We are never told to make converts to our own way of thinking, an outcome which is always a potential hazard when teaching others anything, but in spiritual matters, it is a pitfall which must be avoided at all costs.

From the dangerous extreme of deadly cults built around disturbed personalities to the more subtle thought that creeps in when parishioners mention going to a particular pastor's church (rather than thinking in terms of the Body of Christ), so often the focus can be taken off of the teachings of Jesus and placed on the teachings of another individual.

I like the "The Message" translation of this scripture, "Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life . . .instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you." It places even more emphasis on Jesus and gives a better idea of the concept of discipleship, which doesn't just mean "follower," but also, especially, "student." In a good teacher/student relationship, the teacher shares what he or she knows, but the bulk of the learning is when the student becomes immersed in the topic at hand, outside of the classroom -- reading, researching and studying all that can be discovered about a particular subject.

As disciples of Jesus, we should never cease to learn more about him, more about his character and nature and more about "the Way" of living he taught. Listening to what others have to say about Jesus is only part of our education as believers. Our duty is to delve into his teachings and study scripture, so that we know about him, but also truly know him and maintain our own relationship with him. Then, we are in a position to repeat the cycle and make more disciples, which is the calling for each of us.

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