Sunday, November 30, 2014

Love Is the Response

If there's ever a question as to how to respond to violence, anger, fear, injustice, unforgiveness, hate or evil, choose love.

Responding to violence with violence creates war.
Responding to anger with anger creates confusion.
Responding to fear with fear creates despair.
Responding to injustice with injustice creates strife.
Responding to unforgiveness with unforgiveness creates bitterness.
Responding to hate with hate creates division.
Responding to evil with evil creates all manner of evil.

Jesus warned against all of these things and told us to choose the forces which emanate from love.

Respond to violence with peace.
Respond to anger with calm.
Respond to fear with knowledge and faith.
Respond to injustice with action.
Respond to unforgiveness with forgiveness.
Respond to hate with compassion.
Respond to evil with good.

We can never go wrong with love and what springs from it. Other solutions may seem more satisfying in the heat of the moment, but thoughtful, loving responses leave us without regrets.

Love is the one thing that never fails.

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