As some of you may know by now, I have taken a step forward to run as an independent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Missouri's 8th Congressional District. This likely comes as a surprise to some, but perhaps not so much to others. I've been thinking about doing this for over a year now, every since I heard Joann Emerson was stepping down from the seat.
I hope the readers of my blog/Facebook posts have always known I believe in separation of church and state. I think I've made that clear in my posts. I believe it not only because of what it means for the kind of diverse country the United States is, but for the protection of the sacredness of our religious freedoms and I believe that is what the founders of this country thought, too.
I likely will take a hiatus from posting on spiritual matters as I move ahead with the campaign, although I might offer something from time to time. This is mainly because my time is going to be taken up with a nine-month whirlwind of activities but also because I do want everyone to know that my spiritual views and my political views might sometimes appear to be on a collision course.
For those who have read my novel, you will know that in it, I promote local solutions for local problems. I absolutely believe we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers and that the most vulnerable among us need the help of those who are able to help, and that ALL of us have something to offer. In the days ahead, some of you might think, as I talk about constitutional over-stepping by Congress and the need for cutting of programs at the federal level, that I am abandoning my spiritual tenets. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am embracing my spiritual beliefs.
My belief in God and the compassion and love Jesus called his followers to have for all those around us, will always inform my decisions, even when it might not seem like it or feel like it, perhaps even to me. But our country has swung too far in a direction which is leading us to a point of decline that none of us can imagine if we don't do something to bring it back the other direction. (However, if I'm being honest, just so you know where I stand, I would never vote to cut SNAP, WIC or housing subsidies, for example, until we get real about cutting CORPORATE WELFARE. This is because I cannot, in good conscience, choose the most powerful over the most vulnerable, children, the elderly and the disabled.)
Our current crop of elected officials -- with maybe a few exceptions -- are merely milking all they can from the system while they can and care very little about the future. If they did care, they would move toward campaign finance reform and taking special interest money out of the political system. And as an independent this is my number one campaign issue: anti-corruption in government.
There are other issues that I know many of you are passionate about, and I have a few issues I'm passionate about, too. Some have already started asking how I feel about certain issues. I don't want to seem as though I'm avoiding giving answers, and I have given a few, but here are my thoughts:
1. See note above regarding my number one issue. Special interest money is wrecking our country and until this issue is addressed, few other matters can change. Money controls every decision made in Washington. You may say, "Well, not literally everything..." To which I say, yes, at some level everything. Because every party politician, every Republican and every Democrat, is at the mercy of his or her party and they do what they're told according to the wishes of those pouring money into their purses.
2. At the heart of the independent movement is a move away from caring about the issues we're TOLD to care about by the politicians who are trying to distract us from the real issue, special interest money. We all have to start thinking for ourselves and caring about this great nation enough to become involved in governing ourselves. I know it takes some work and we're all busy with day-to-day life. I get it. I'm busy, too. I have a family and a job and working on a campaign isn't going to be easy. I'm not trying to put a guilt trip on anyone into being involved in this campaign in a huge way. But at least register to VOTE! And vote for an independent.
3. Just because someone has the good fortune to be elected to office, he or she is not an expert on everything, probably not an expert on much of anything if we're being honest. That's why I feel as though my opinions on issues matter less than the opinions of those in the district who do know what they're talking about. Medical professionals need to be listened to when it comes to healthcare reform. Educators need to be the voice we hear in matters related to education. Bankers -- LOCAL bankers -- need to have input in banking regulations which affect their day-to-day business practices. I want to know what people who know what they're talking about think about the important issues facing our country.
My own beliefs regarding politics have evolved in recent years and are still evolving, honestly. As an independent, I'm not bound by any party's platform. The citizens of the District 8 will help development my policies. There's no way to please everyone, but if we work with our neighbors, rather than against everyone with a differing opinion, I guarantee you we will make progress. The independent movement is the best hope we have!