In stretches of weather like
we're experiencing this summer, I have great sympathy for the local
meteorologists. They don't have much to say other than it's hot, and
it's going to stay that way, with no rain in sight. Nobody wants to hear
the forecast, and on top of that, there are some who tend to want to
shoot the messenger. Other
than perhaps the times when a big snow
is predicted and not a flake materializes, when school kids and
teachers think they're going to get a day off, I can't imagine a worse
time to be a weather forecaster.
Prophets face the same kind of
job description. When they're talking about the imminent arrival of the
Savior, people are happy, but when "tough times ahead" is the prophecy,
nobody wants to hear it. And usually, few want to take the steps
required to avert impending difficulties. The citizens of Ninevah, as
recorded in the Book of Jonah, are a notable exception. They went on a
city-wide fast to concentrate on the message Jonah gave them which said
they would be overthrown in 40 days. The king also led his citizens in
repenting in sackcloth and ashes, while proclaiming that everyone should
"call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from
the violence which is in his hands." With their sincere change of heart,
they were able to reverse the predicted
doom of their city.
There are many prophets these days. In fact,
it would seem almost everyone foresees difficult times ahead. The
question becomes: What are we going to do about it? Will we sit idly by
and seal a calamitous
fate, or will we take
action to achieve a favorable outcome? It should be noted, the Ninevites
did not merely call on God, they put away wickedness and violence.
If there is agreement that our country faces adversity, then we should
also find a way to be in harmony about the solution. Selfishness, greed
and continued violence will not solve our problems. At every level --
government, corporate, church, individual -- we must see the way to open
our hearts and put the needs of others above our own. We can pray that
God will help us, but he has already given us the answer. It's the
repentance shown by Ninevah.
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