What blocks progress? Beyond the forces of nature and occasional events beyond one's control, progress is hindered by the choices we make. Whether consciously or on a subconscious level, it is a natural tendency to blame other people and/or our circumstances for our lot in life. But our reaction and response to any situation rests squarely on each of us, individually. We are responsible for choosing to help or halt our own progress. (And, of course, I am keeping my potential, expected readership in mind as I write this. What I discuss here would not apply to those living in Somalia, for example, who are living minute by minute at the mercy of circumstances.)
What guides our choices? Many things, of course. As a general rule, choices which move us forward in a beneficial way are guided by a set of principles based on right conduct and are helped along when we are well-informed and willing to admit there might be a different way of doing things other than the way "things have always been." On the other side of that, things like selfishness, greed and a stubborn refusal to consider other opinions and ideas will stop forward movement, in just about every way.
In the areas of health, happiness and spiritual growth, we often feel "stuck" and without options. But are we really, or is it possible our daily decisions are keeping us from improvement? We know that sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating a piece of cake is not a superior choice to having a couple of carrot sticks and going for walk, but how often does the television win the battle in our war with self-control? (Don't ask me that question; I'm not telling.)
Similarly, for the most part, we are not ignorant of what promotes spiritual well-being. Faith, hope, love, kindness and joy lead to peace and progress on our journey through life, and qualities such as these are not mysteriously bestowed on us; they are up to us to choose, just as worry, fretting, fear, unforgiveness, hate, stinginess and whether or not we're in a bad mood are all within our control.
My encouragement to us all is to look inward to see how we can change ourselves and look outward not to place blame or criticize, but to seek how we can help others along as we all travel the Way. Let's choose the good news and move ahead.
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