Sunday, March 6, 2011


I read a beautiful piece this week, written by Shauna Neiquist for She wrote, "If arithmetic is numbers, and if algebra is numbers and letters, then grace is numbers, letters, sounds, and tears, feelings and dreams. Grace is smashing the calculator, and using all the broken buttons and pieces to make a mosaic. Grace isn't about having a second chance; grace is having so many chances that you could use them through all eternity and never come up empty. It's when you finally realize that the other shoe isn't going to drop, ever. It's the moment you feel as precious and handmade as every star, when you feel, finally at home for the very first time." (You can find the link for her full comments on my Facebook wall.)

Those of us who recognize the grace which God has extended to us know he is the God of infinite chances; he never writes off anyone as being beyond redemption and hope. When we rest in the knowledge of God's unconditional love toward us and his boundless grace, we have courage, strength and peace, and it should also prompt us to pass along compassion and grace to every one we meet.

People everywhere, all around us, are hurting. Some pain is emotional, some is physical, and much of it is spiritual. Many feel as though they have no purpose, no hope, no reason to go on, and those who feel that way are often not pleasant to be around. They can be crude, argumentative and difficult to love, and sadly, some of them will never change. But believers are called to extend grace toward all, whether we feel like it or not. Often, we are the only light in someone's dark world. We don't have to be everyone's best friend, but at the very least we should not return an insult with another insult. Surely, we should be able to manage a smile, maybe even a kind word.

Grace is what everyone longs for, even when they don't know it's what they need. And since grace has been extended to us, no matter how badly we have behaved, we need to look beyond the bad behavior of others and see their pain. Those of us who realize how precious we are in God's eyes, must do what we can to make others feel precious and valuable, too. Honestly, most days I'm not that good at it, but I want to learn to lay aside criticism and live a grace-filled life.

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